Wednesday, February 10, 2010

5 Months

Well here we are 5 months and a whole whopping 20 lbs later... and he just keeps getting bigger and bigger all the time... He loves to babble and talk all the time. He is amazed at sitting up and doesn't ever want to miss a thing. and I don't blame him. He has gotten a little bit more adventurous and the other day took a dive off the couch and carpet burned his little head.. He was a trooper though and recovered within moments of the crash.. He is super crazy about this jumperroo thing that his step cousin has and jumps for hours untill either exhaustion or hunger takes over his not so little body.. He has quite a personality and we see it more and more everyday. he loves his mommy and daddy and likes to play with all his aunts and uncles over at nana's and papa's house. Here soon I am sure we will be on the brink of crawling and breaking our first tooth! He has been knawing pretty hard at his hands lately, so hopefully it will come and be over for a short time..

As for mom and dad-- Dad is still looking for a job and mom is working a lot to make up for it.. but it means more bonding time for daddy and his lil man... and we have grown to know more about each other... hope you enjoy the pictures!

Daddy and lil man

Eating our favorite cereal!

We love the bath....