She is the last and newest addition to our family. She was born Via C-Section on March 16th 2011. She was 7 lbs 8 1/2 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. I may be a little biased but she was perfect! Why the C-Section you may ask?? I have a sweet little thing that hasn't been very cooperative since November. She decided that she was more comfortable being transverse, so she grew sideways and pushed my hips and pelvis out with her. knowing this at my 36 week appointment, the doctor asked for an ultrasound to find exactly where she was. By the time we got in there, she had turned and was frank breech. or sitting with her bottom in my pelvis, feet up by her head. On the day of the surgery she was double footling breech. My doctor literally had to push her farther into my ribs to get her feet and then stick her hand in to push her head back down. It was an interesting experience by far let me tell ya. Mike was there with me for the birth and he thought it was pretty neat being able to see what was going on and being able to ask questions. I couldn't ask for a sweeter little baby, besides her brother. I am so thankful that we have her and her brother. We have a pretty awesome little family.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Well this momma seems to be on a roll. When we found out we were expecting yet again, I was preparing myself for the task of my toddler, and new baby. It really hasn't been too bad. I love my kids with all that I have. Now if only money grew on trees so that I could stay home full time and be with them. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but I think I love my kids a little bit more. After having Brynlee, I have lost 25 pounds already and look forward to losing the last little bit of Braxtyn's baby weight that I still had when I got pregnant. I keep telling mike to save some money for my new wardrobe that I am going to need.
The big trip for this year is our family being able to travel to Arizona in June for a family reunion. I haven't been down since I was a kid and so having more reliable transportation, I get to take the first great great grandkids down to meet my great grandparents. I look forward to the generation picture that we will be able to take.
Sorry no picture for me I don't really have any good new ones to post on here!
The big trip for this year is our family being able to travel to Arizona in June for a family reunion. I haven't been down since I was a kid and so having more reliable transportation, I get to take the first great great grandkids down to meet my great grandparents. I look forward to the generation picture that we will be able to take.
Sorry no picture for me I don't really have any good new ones to post on here!
So there really isn't anything too new with mike. He has officially been at Flying J for over a year now. He likes it for the most part, we have really had some ups and downs with them since Pilot bought out the company last July. So we will see where life takes us from there. Mike is also adjusting quite nicely to having 2 kids instead of one.. Whether he admits fully that gets more sleep than I do or not. He loves his kids and is so proud of his little mini me, that picks up on everything that mike does. He did get his truck fixed since we had a mini electrical meltdown with his ford. so, now that we have that done its get the lift, and alignment and everything else. so over 1000 dollars later...... But as long as he is happy, we are all ok right?? :)
I decided that today might just be the day that I play catch-up with the family. We will start with Braxtyn because he is the farthest behind.
Little man has hit 19 months and let me tell you he is enough toddler for 2 or 3 little kids. He is tall and skinny just like his daddy, and has huge feet! He loves to run and play and help daddy with his "games." Braxtyn has learned many words, and loves to use his vocabulary to tell us what he needs. We also have been practicing going potty. I know we aren't completely ready to go in the toilet yet but if we help him practice we just might by the time his birthday comes around.. the big thing is do we have him sit or stand like daddy? We seem to have grown out the ear infection stage and aren't having nearly as many problems with his tummy as we did when he was little. He has also stepped up to be an awesome big brother to his little sister Brynlee. When mom and dad aren't looking he likes to pick her up off the couch and hold her himself. That is "his" baby. Forget all the problems mom had with her, its all his! I couldn't ask for a busier or better little man. He is for sure my favorite.
Little man has hit 19 months and let me tell you he is enough toddler for 2 or 3 little kids. He is tall and skinny just like his daddy, and has huge feet! He loves to run and play and help daddy with his "games." Braxtyn has learned many words, and loves to use his vocabulary to tell us what he needs. We also have been practicing going potty. I know we aren't completely ready to go in the toilet yet but if we help him practice we just might by the time his birthday comes around.. the big thing is do we have him sit or stand like daddy? We seem to have grown out the ear infection stage and aren't having nearly as many problems with his tummy as we did when he was little. He has also stepped up to be an awesome big brother to his little sister Brynlee. When mom and dad aren't looking he likes to pick her up off the couch and hold her himself. That is "his" baby. Forget all the problems mom had with her, its all his! I couldn't ask for a busier or better little man. He is for sure my favorite.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
6,7,8 months
I guess that you could say that I have been slacking in the posting department. Two months have gone and one is passing us by. We love to eat food all the time. Braxtyn is now crawling all over the place. and when he sees his grandmas dog rusty he books it. He has such a personality and it shows more and more all the time. I can already tell that he is going to be a handful. We are going to hopefully pop a tooth out soon. The runny nose and crankiness has to stop at sometime.... We have come to realise more and more how much we love the little guy and how much he is a blessing in our lives. Thankfully we have an amazing family support.
We recently had my wonderful aunt come to town over spring break and take some more of her awesome pictures so I hope you enjoy them!
We recently had my wonderful aunt come to town over spring break and take some more of her awesome pictures so I hope you enjoy them!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
5 Months
Well here we are 5 months and a whole whopping 20 lbs later... and he just keeps getting bigger and bigger all the time... He loves to babble and talk all the time. He is amazed at sitting up and doesn't ever want to miss a thing. and I don't blame him. He has gotten a little bit more adventurous and the other day took a dive off the couch and carpet burned his little head.. He was a trooper though and recovered within moments of the crash.. He is super crazy about this jumperroo thing that his step cousin has and jumps for hours untill either exhaustion or hunger takes over his not so little body.. He has quite a personality and we see it more and more everyday. he loves his mommy and daddy and likes to play with all his aunts and uncles over at nana's and papa's house. Here soon I am sure we will be on the brink of crawling and breaking our first tooth! He has been knawing pretty hard at his hands lately, so hopefully it will come and be over for a short time..
As for mom and dad-- Dad is still looking for a job and mom is working a lot to make up for it.. but it means more bonding time for daddy and his lil man... and we have grown to know more about each other... hope you enjoy the pictures!
Daddy and lil man
As for mom and dad-- Dad is still looking for a job and mom is working a lot to make up for it.. but it means more bonding time for daddy and his lil man... and we have grown to know more about each other... hope you enjoy the pictures!
Daddy and lil man
Sunday, January 3, 2010
4 Months
Well I can not believe that December has flown by us... But with it has brought on another month. I can not believe that Braxtyn is 4 months old now. He is getting so big, and HEAVY! But he is developing into quite a character. He loves his baby as you can see, teething and decided to skip rolling over and go straight to crawling. ( I just think he has a cute bum.)
This month we decided to try soy milk with him to see what would happen.. Milk is just upsetting his tummy too bad and we were having MANY bad nights. It has been working well so far and he seems to be much happier. Braxtyn is definently a giggler and loves to be played with. He does have his moments, but what can I say he is like his momma. All in all he seems to be a happy lil man. and loves all of his family.. We are so thankful for this sweet lil gift!
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