She is the last and newest addition to our family. She was born Via C-Section on March 16th 2011. She was 7 lbs 8 1/2 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. I may be a little biased but she was perfect! Why the C-Section you may ask?? I have a sweet little thing that hasn't been very cooperative since November. She decided that she was more comfortable being transverse, so she grew sideways and pushed my hips and pelvis out with her. knowing this at my 36 week appointment, the doctor asked for an ultrasound to find exactly where she was. By the time we got in there, she had turned and was frank breech. or sitting with her bottom in my pelvis, feet up by her head. On the day of the surgery she was double footling breech. My doctor literally had to push her farther into my ribs to get her feet and then stick her hand in to push her head back down. It was an interesting experience by far let me tell ya. Mike was there with me for the birth and he thought it was pretty neat being able to see what was going on and being able to ask questions. I couldn't ask for a sweeter little baby, besides her brother. I am so thankful that we have her and her brother. We have a pretty awesome little family.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
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